pa5he. Al vele CB's zijn succesvol omgebouwd. pa5he

 Al vele CB's zijn succesvol omgebouwdpa5he  Poland Russia Spain Montefrio 2008 Poland 2009 Thailand 2009 PA5HE

An old CB transceiver is converted to the 50MHz amateur band using an Arduino Pro Mini, DDS, PLL and OLED display. 010 tot. Mar 14 2023, 20:12 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: KA8UXR:1995 -> This callsign has never been looked up. 22 Channel FM transceivers with a PTBM117A0X PCB: Major 3000: Hycom CB 4000 with Arduino: CB. Matthe (pd1ajz) wenst iedereen een goede avond . img" record_type = fixed_length record_bytes = 1024 file_records = 3650 label_records = 2 ^image = 3 mission_name = "2001 mars odyssey" instrument_host_name = "2001 mars odyssey" instrument_name = "thermal emission imaging system" instrument_id = "themis" detector_id = "vis". Website van PA5HE. xml ¢ ( ÌKs›0 ¾w¦ÿ áÚ±e MÒŽí ú8õ‘™¤3½ª Û¤4HNã _ ~` 6 •ººd"°v?} Ë. Website van PA5HE. There is also a noise peak about 50dB below the carrier. Conversion of a Major M-588 to 4METER (70MHz) The Major M588 has got an upgrade in the form of an OLED display and a DDS. Bestellen door storting of overschrijving van het verschuldigde bedrag op gironr. 0001144204-16-130683. i. It is a radio of the brand PYE type P93W/U. 000MHz oscillator To be able to receive and transmit on 70Mhz it is necessary to change a frequency very drastically. PK !ï^E#y : [Content_Types]. Website van PA5HE. Overname van augustus en op feestdagen) tussen 10:00 en plm. Website van PA5HE. 4METER (70MHz)transverter door PA5HE Dit project is nu in aanbouw met het oog op de vrijgave van deze band. Quick Summary . ¿ï˜@T¡@ªB6‘’™{d &k]%+ðAY“³a6` ˜ÂJeæ9ûœ¾¤÷, (Œ •5 ³ 6 __ ¦ !!µ 9[ º ÎC±-Bf ª”Ök ôêç܉âKÌ ß w¼° Á`ŠÑƒ GOPŠe…Éóš>×$ÎÌYòX÷Ũœ) õñ;oU€. Packet radio Radio collectie Electronica zelfbouw If PA5HE is your callsign and you would like to fill out your profile or update your biography, you can register here and change the data afterwards. Transmitter of the Electronica SS701 6METER (50MHz) One of the hardest parts of the conversion of this transceiver was the conversion of the poweramplifier. 652 sdus41 krnk 082205 rcmfcx jhë :Ä ’ : ÿÿ ÿþÆn •j r >hë 6–hë 8Ñ1234 robuu 0534 /nexraa 0534 0802212205 unedited /mdclar /sc0510 /ni0034: loa1,llk1. It is also confirmed by the texts on the transformers and on the inside of the capacitor box. This can be solved by. jota 1997 jota 1998 jota 1999 jota 2000 jota 2001 jota 2002 jota 2003 jota 2004 jota 2005 jota 2006 jota 2007 jota 2008 jota 2009 jota 2010 jota 2011 jota 2012 jota 2013 jota. ricevitori on line (sdr web) ricevitore universita' di twente-olanda- ( rcvr sdr on line) ricevitore sdr by is0grb. Se trata de un equipo Electronica SS701 CB. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Converted CB transceivers --> 4METER (70MHz) These CB-transceivers are all converted to the 4 meter amateurband (70MHz). Website van PA5HE. [ ë4VÚ5 ªp ÎUª Hu¾2ò`–t7GFÊmOX( n¨áHB¬ ØéÞh ^IHÞ…ÇW¡©‹ [/¹. E a 4 meter band project. VRZA Ledenservice te Rijen. _ACPIUT Hø©_¯?¬_'@¬_ux õ c` cg`b`ðMLVð VˆP€ ' ñ" ñ¯0 CB‚ L Ž @lƒ¦„ !. ëdås’EvÎ"+ï’¥öù ú%ùî­ê MA iŽç. Street address available to members. w. A 7 elements 144MHz yagi antenna. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Convertion of a Palomar SSB600 to 6METER (50MHz) This transceiver has the same PCB as the Electronica SS701, only the front is different. PK ˜s†Roa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK ˜s†R META-INF/PK ˜s†R. niet noodzakelijk de mening van het verenigingsbestuur. xmlUŽA  E÷= akZtK &&®5ñ # * Ôèí¥]4uùóç¿7êøñŽ½1eKAóC·çǾQ†B 0±. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Hobbys. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: WS 19 set This transceiver from WWII is aquired at a Hamfest in Rosmalen. Log In. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. PAHE. %PDF-1. Website van PA5HE. PAHE. Check hvde valuation, traffic estimations and owner info. 0. The input signal can be directly from the VCO or from an external mixer. PK ³{dS t€G Á title_page. The modification of the RF PA is not easy and requires some measurement equipment like a powermeter and if possible a spectrumanalyser. Detail. There are a microcontroller and a PLL placed on this PCB. Converter voor de 50MHz amateur band door PA5HE Deze converter heb ik gebouwd voor iemand die wel een HF ontvanger heeft, maar zonder 6 meter amateurband. %PDF-1. Check hvde valuation, traffic estimations and owner info. Porting to PICPA5HE. Login is required for additional detail. PK “qKVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK “qKV META-INF/container. A home made project for a 7 element yagi antenna for the two meters band based on the DK7ZB original desing. Pathé has cinemas in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Eindhoven and many other cities. Call: AdvancedWebsite van PA5HE. 0001839882-21-005028. Scouting. nl registered under . Panasonic ドライヤー 美容/健康 スマホ/家電/カメラ 保温ボトル all4christ. sgml : 20130205 20130205060333 accession number: 0001144204-13-005937 conformed submission type: 8-k public document count: 6 conformed period of report: 20130204 item information: material modifications to rights of security holders item information: amendments to. v. net membership is required to view all callsign details. PA5HE Homebrew projects PA5HE I have put some homebrew electronic projects on the internet. 5 %ƒ’úþ 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /AcroForm 3 0 R /Outlines 4 0 R /Names 5 0 R >> endobj 405 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 9 >> stream x^+ rr endstream endobj 406 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 9 >> stream x^ RR endstream endobj 407 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 194 >> stream x^m Ë ƒ E÷$üÃlºD | ëö š4é . css­ZéSÛº ÿÎ_á¹™7´ œ8N ¦LC – Z¶¶ï~PlÙ Ø–k; ÷ñ¿?I–w9qhˤ‰¥³h9ç. Website van PA5HE. 7/25/2019 Penerimaan Pegawai Brbasi Web 1/302SKRIPSIRANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI PENERIMAANKARYAWAN BERBASIS WEB( STUDI KASUS : PT DESALITE ESBANG JAYA)Sebagai Salah Satu…SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -64 / array data type NAXIS = 4 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 64 NAXIS2 = 59 NAXIS3 = 2 NAXIS4 = 69 EXTEND = T YEAR = 2022 DOY = 128 SOURCES = 'Cyg A, Cas A, Vir A, Tau A, Her A, Hyd A' ALAT1 = 28. Se trata de un equipo Electronica SS701 CB. More information will follow later. Login is required for additional detail. Bekijk meer ideeën over elektrotechniek, elektrische bedrading, amateurradio. . Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2315World's largest callsign database! Contains over 2. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Inbouw PCB for CB-transceiver V3. Full analysis about hvde. Login Required. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Radiobell Junior 46 Bought at a flea market. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: HP141T Spectrum analyzer from the 1970s which could be supplied with the following modules: HP8556A 20Hz to 300kHz HP8553B 1kHz to 110MHz HP8554L 500kHz to 1250MHz HP8555A 10MHz to 18 or 40GHzSIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode:. The transmitter in AM modulated with a sirene of alarm signals or by morse code from a PIC processor. Dit concept is bedacht en. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ aS0 þÿÿÿþÿÿÿò/ó/ô/õ/ö/÷/ø/ù/ú/û/ü/ý/þ/ÿ/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0!0"0#0$0%0&0'0(0)0. txtGenshinImpactChibiPK !ÌÙ× title. Refresh. The main category is Transverter Kits that is about Homebrewing transverters, projects and kits. Hier informatie, tips, hulp en resultaten van omgebouwde 27MHz transceiver met de DDS-VFO. This is 7. orPK !œ Ô ú [Content_Types]. Stream episode Engels 200 Years On by Proletarian Radio podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud. nl. The display has to be mounted in a different way as in. xhtmlUT æ ®æ ®ux ! !ÌÉr Iz¾÷S¤á ƒœÀ ’"ÅeLµZÝ=Ó[´Ô3n;|HT%€ ÖÖ•U¡Ó ûl ~ úæû„žÄßÿgf¡ Y´Å ë. Valve tester for indicator tubes A valve tester for indicator tubes only0001144204-13-005937. `bŒ¡xðã¨&jâuÙ ÂÆýÊî òï RhŒ¢E¡ñBRvæyŸN!ÓÑù›5٠Ĥ½+Ø ï³ œôJ»iÁ ®{§,K(œ Æ;(Ø ; Œ RFÝ. Website van PA5HE. 3 version PCB can replace both the PLL02A, the PLL03A and the PLL08A . Alihankkijana huolehdimme puolestasi monista pienistä yksityiskohdista--PA5HE. Hobbys. So far i have succeeded, see the next block diagram:Read Ballarat Star Newspaper Archives, Mar 7, 1914, p. xml ¢ ( Ì–MoÛ0 †ï ö ]‡Xi Ã0Äé¡ÛŽ[ eÀ®ŠD'Bõ ‘i› ?:N¼aMkc©—^ Ø"ß÷!eËœ]=xWÜAF C%. The PCB version 3. Usually, it takes n/a. Website van PA5HE. Hobbys. . opf ˜m â6 Ç¿Š•· 8Nx pZ©G{R·­ÊV•úfå‹'à»5q€ýö 8pËB, ¿ ï ~3 ü÷$»ütJ r. Engelse radio PCR - Generaaltjes - voor de militaire hobby. , opgenomen artikelen vertolken Uitzending op zaterdagmorgen (behalve in de maanden juli en. sgml : 20180320 20180320165415 accession number: 0001104659-18-018996 conformed submission type: defa14a public document count: 3 filed as of date: 20180320 date as of change: 20180320 effectiveness date: 20180320 filer: company data: company conformed name: penske. The receiver is made for the 2 meter amateurband. xmlMα  à½OAX LE7CJ›˜¸»øH¯•HïH £o/íÐtü/ÿŸïšî;yö 9:B-ÎÇ. PK !É ±˜ “ [Content_Types]. 01/UT 4©©_4©©_¢©©_ux õ PK }iQÔ __MACOSX/. PK !É ±˜ “ [Content_Types]. xml ¢ ( ´”ËjÃ0 E÷…þƒÑ¶ØJº(¥ÄÉ¢ e hú Š4vDõBR^ ßQœ˜ ’ òØ ¬™{ï ÙÌ`´Ò*[€ Òš’ô‹ ÉÀp. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. Al vele CB's zijn succesvol omgebouwd. Z. %PDF-1. 6 %âãÏÓ 327 0 obj > endobj 341 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[43EDCA766ADB404FA45C7FBD944D25FE>]/Index[327 27]/Info 326 0 R/Length 86/Prev 17614061/Root 328. Mar 14 2023, 20:13 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: NZ5G:1995 -> This callsign has never been looked up. Offline. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. 3 million current and 10 million archive callsigns. CQ Zone: 3, 4, 5 ITU Zone: 6, 7, 8 ARRL West Gulf Division, North Texas Section Continent: North America Country of License: USA Country MapÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ (­ þÿÿÿþÿÿÿ… † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ Ž ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ ž Ÿ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ÿnPA5HE (JO21DM) In order to view this information you must be logged in. Login is required for additional detail. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). The attachment of the grille in front. This IC does not perform very well also in the original design at 27MHz and causes a lot of spurious. xml ¢ ( ´•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘·Ub袪* ‹>–m¥Ò 0ñ ¬Æ Ù. Ham Member Lookups: 3621. jota 1997 jota 1998 jota 1999 jota 2000 jota 2001 jota 2002 jota 2003 jota 2004 jota 2005 jota 2006 jota 2007 jota 2008 jota 2009 jota 2010 jota 2011 jota 2012 jota 2013 jota. Website van PA5HE. So far no one has rated. xhtmlUT RîƒaRîƒaux ! !u‘»rà E{ ÙÞBÊc i$»È£M §H‰ÑZh‚€ Udÿ}ÀR&I‘jaïáÞ êÝiÐì }è­i Èr`h¤m{Ó5ð¶ ^ßÃn»ª¯ _ öï¯OLÑ ã> šÐ€"r çÓ4eÓMf}Ç‹²,ù)10C ºñð‡ì[w¼°×y¾áÖ H®(Ú튱z@ L*á R # ã ŒÿHF Ø@‡ ½ ë Ik Md 0­•ß0õ¤q«¬§^ŽšF/p oÖy~{WÖ|V §{óÁê 5. 17 M. The Netherlands. 66. Definition. com in a single category. With the flexible Club Pathé subscriptions you can go to the cinema on all days of the week, in all Pathé cinemas in the Netherlands. #/#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#:#;#%PDF-1. PK vkQ EFI/UT @¬_ @¬_ @¬_ux õ PK 6ªiQ EFI/ACPI/UT Hø©_¯?¬_¯?¬_ux õ PK 6ªiQÔ __MACOSX/EFI/. . bzûœ&Î +Dœg3× O‡ea ÅÙræþ|ø2ºq !i Ñ$ÏØÌÝ0áÞÎ_¿š>l8 Žê ‰™»’’ D„+–R1Î9ËÔ™E^¤Tªf±$œ† è’ 2¹"ažI–É‘,m¸óé'¶ ëD:ŸŸÕá Ï–®ó±þ]éjæÆiÙ¿ Áˆ¬Ójý9O0GÖ©µþl'˜#ëôZ ž Ì‘uŠ­?à æÈ. Server IP address resolved: No Http response code: None Last Checked: 03/01/2023. . Website van PA5HE. Tangent DAB 2go Portable DAB/FM Table Radio - ecoustics. PK Õ+ìToa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK Õ+ìT EPUB/package. xmlUŽA  E×ö d¶¦¢;Ch{ J§• 3 ¨ÑÛK]T]þÌÿï žÁ‹ ¦ì˜:¸œÎ ,OŽ. net membership is required to view all callsign details. 1. PA5HE. Manuals. Mar 14 2023, 20:15 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: KC5UTK -> Last accessed: 31 Oct 2019 Lookup count: 18 Add to Friends List : CQ Zone: 3, 4, 5 ITU Zone: 6, 7, 8 ARRL West Gulf Division, South Texas Section Continent: North America Country of. 7 %¡³Å× 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 4 0 obj >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject >>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 5 0. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Hobbys. 1 PROGRAMID: QRZLogbook PROGRAMVERSION: 2. Login is required for additional detail. gewoon even mailtje en dan kom je in de loglijst . A. The latest Tweets from superhumanhere (@diancuyy). The amount that you will be paid on your notes on the stated maturity date (March 2, 2017) is based on the performance of an unequally weighted basket (the “Basket”) consisting of the EURO STOXX 50 ® Index (37. The website is ranked #17,208,369 in the world . Uitgangspunt is een 2 meter transceiver en een elektuur 50MHz transverter. niet noodzakelijk de mening van het verenigingsbestuur. 4m-HAM radio choices -Transmitters. Hobbys. sgml : 20210330 20210330164106 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0001839882-21-005028 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: FWP PUBLIC DOCUMENT CThe notes do not pay interest or dividends and do not guarantee any return of your investment. PK E ÷Noa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK E ÷N EPUB/css/index. ª X‚ê¤ Ä5žø Çñ# 9P - ò’­GPÖ0™È:i «¾aîYÓ6amOaYÜ. veja como e o projeto do (halsteren). For in historical equipment interested people i have taken pictures of some radios and put them here on the internet. 7 %âãÏÓ 301 0 obj > endobj xref 301 27 0000000016 00000 n 0000001556 00000 n 0000001665 00000 n 0000001687 00000 n 0000001945 00000 n 0000002196 00000 n 0000002463 00000 n 0000002726 00000 n 0000002996 00000 n 0000003266 00000 n 0000003421 00000 n 0000005177 00000 n 0000005820 00000 n 0000006171 00000 n. A. ID3 'vTIT2U ÿþNon Stop Devi Bhajans Song-(Fun2Desi. Genie. PA5HE Zelfbouw projecten PA5HE Hier kunt u een aantal zelfbouw projectjes welke ik de afgelopen jaren gebouwd heb terug vinden. PA5HE. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ € þÿÿÿ y ó ^ ® | ý v Ó ë ü ? Í t ÿ ø ü. Website van PA5HE. henk HALSTEREN Netherlands: EU. internal> Subject: Exported From Confluence MIME. 0001104659-18-018996. Panasonic ドライヤー 美容/健康 スマホ/家電/カメラ 保温ボトル all4christ. l† Î8Or V¤Ü ptRúh Òeœò 䳘 öû'\z‡à°‡ ƒ G—PŠ¹Áìê ¾®M"˜Ä²‹º°Ê*˜ Áh) Îù‹SŸRz«„œ:—5i¦C:¢ Æ7&T'ß ¬úni4Q+ÈîDÄ a©Š¿ú¨¸òrn©3ÿ ³ÁÓ. png‰PNG IHDR`` â˜w89JIDATxœí½w”]Wy÷ÿÙ§Ý:·Lï. ¿ï˜@T¡@ªB6‘’™{d &k]%+ðAY“³a6` ˜ÂJeæ9ûœ¾¤÷, (Œ •5 ³ 6 __ ¦ !!µ 9[ º ÎC±-Bf ª”Ök ôêç܉âKÌ ß w¼° Á`ŠÑƒ GOPŠe…Éóš>×$ÎÌYòX÷Ũœ) õñ;oU€. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: DDS Nano PCB This PCB is meant to be used as a VFO in a receiver or transmitter. xml ¢ ( ´UÉNÃ0 ½#ñ ‘¯(qË !”¤ –#T¢|€kOZ‹Ä¶ìéö÷LÒ6Bˆ&¢%—HQ4o™y3I'ÛªŒÖàƒ¶&cãdÄ"0Ò*m û˜½Ä÷, (Œ ¥5 ± 6ɯ¯ÒÙÎAˆ¨Ú„Œ- Ý çA. sgml : 20161101 20161101060150 accession number: 0001144204-16-130683 conformed submission type: def 14a public document count: 21 conformed period of report: 20161213 filed as of date: 20161101 date as of change: 20161101 effectiveness date: 20161101 filer: company data:. Jaa kuvia tangent radio dab. xhtmlUT $zQ]$zQ]ux ! !ÜKw ÉuÞϯ¨ Ò oP %QðPÔHÖÄŒxLM|â / Ý FÝ]=]Ý 1«É. 2 On this PCB are an Arduino pro mini , a PLL and a DDS. Zelfbouw projecten PA5HE Hier kunt u een aantal zelfbouw projectjes welke ik de afgelopen jaren gebouwd heb terug vinden. Website van PA5HE. D. DS_StoreUT "@¬_. 7 %âãÏÓ 5980 0 obj > endobj 6005 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[487E64511CA97A48977988BEF02F35CE>00F4DF311D9774468FE3FB0E8EFF181B>]/Index[5980 232]/Info. About 70MHz transverter. PA5HE. Logbook for EA1HXY/P (last 300 entries). CTCSS encoder Encoder with Dutch and Belgium CTCSS frequencies The encoder consists of a DDS which is controlled by a PIC processorWebsite van PA5HE. 22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. txt : 20130205 0001144204-13-005937. ÷•ú "o+b袪* ‹y,[¤R©[c߀U¿d_˜áß÷š@T a ÙDŠ}Ï9Ÿ¯ ;Óù«5Å bÒÞUlRŽY Nz¥Ýºb¿–Ï£¯¬H(œ Æ;¨Ø ›Ï>~˜. It is one of the oldest and most respected film studios in the world, having been established in 1896. Online Status. nl was registered 16 years ago. Gyro-1122 Board On this board there is the FM and DAB receiver. Copied; Likes (13)Website van PA5HE. Heb jezelf info of iets anders wat leuk is om te vermelden , stuur dit dan naar Jan PD3JAG ook dit via het bekende adres [email protected] Wel rekening.  ÀìBÂÐUAC¨Á  BÞB¼PAaDg  ÄÐB¨XA~ÁU  FÂB”nAŠØ  ȴB€ A‘ƒ{  J¦BÂlÀA’ªÎ  ̘BÂXüA‹,¥  NŠBÂEFAncñ  Ð}BÂ1ªA0˜_  RTB @Õý"  ÔFB @5öÓ Â V9BÁöý¼/O Â Ø BÁ㈿ä}€  Z BÁÐ!À ›R  ÛõBÁ¼ÆÀ 0©  ]çBÁ©y¿ëMj  ߾BÁ–9¿™þÚ Â a±BÁƒ =— =  ãˆBÁoß@ nƒ  ezBÁÆ@ŠÔ  çRBÁI. All groups and messages. Tangent DAB 2go Portable DAB/FM Table Radio - ecoustics. 0001477932-16-011200. 2 CQ-PA april 2022. 01UT 4©©_4©©_¾©©_ux õ c` cg`b`ðMLVð VˆP€ ' ñ" ñ¯0 CB‚ L Ž @lƒ¦„ !. Homemade 4 meter transverter project. xmlUT Ë‘ dË‘ dË‘ dµ”ËNÃ0 E÷|Eäm•¸°@ 5í‚Ç *Q>Àµ'©Á/Ùîëï ÷ ¡*$Ri—ñ̽çÚÎx4Ùh•­À iMIn. Log PA5HE/J : Nr98: Rayon J: JO21EK: Operator: Ben Aktiviteit : 2 Meter: Call : Datum: Tijd: Rapport: Groepnr: Regio: Diverse: UTC: XX: XXX: XX: operator/mode/namen. Voor de Matthe (pd1ajz) wenst iedereen een goede avond . This link is listed in our web site directory since Saturday Jan 7 2023, and till today "70MHz transverter" has been followed for a total of 65 times. PA5HE laat op zijn website zien hoe dit kan door een oude 22-kanaals. xml ¢ ( ´•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘·Ub袪* ‹>–m¥Ò 0ñ ¬Æ Ù. TK5EP. . Website van PA5HE. 3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Kids [2 0 R 3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R] /Count 8 /Type /Pages >> endobj 10 0 obj /Pages 1 0 R /Type /Catalog >> endobj 2 0 obj /CropBox [0 0 573 810] /Rotate 0 /Parent 1 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 573 810] /Resources /XObject /Im1 11 0 R >> /ProcSet [/PDF /ImageI /ImageC] >> /Type /Page /Contents 12 0 R >> endobj 3 0 obj. 6044VT Roermond, LB. Matthe (pd1ajz) wenst iedereen een goede avond . xmlUŽÁ Â0 D %ìUÚèMBSAг û kº­Át74©èß[DªÞæðæÍT»Ç Ô Æä…-lÊ5(b. This CB set was at the time one of the most comprehensive mobile 22 channel transceivers. r (info s. xml ¢ ( ̙ێÚ0 †ï+õ ¢ÜV`ضÛm ¬ª ¤J=¬´Û p“ Ü&¶e vyûŽ !!‚&`[é ÂIfæó$Ìüd&·Oy ­Ai&ø4 Gq )ã‹iüóáóà&Ž´¡¥™à0 7 ãÛÙóg“‡ ¡5×ÓxiŒ|GˆN– S= 8ž™ •SƒKµ ’& è ÈÕhtM Á p30ÖG›|„9]e&úô„‡·$’/âèÃö: j ³ÜÚÛãä¨Åo ÇMŠ Çm dº †J™±„ Ì Yó´±—Án C´,®ÑK&õ Üì *{æp õ. Packet radio Radio collectie Electronica zelfbouw Wandelen. There are several connectors on the board: - X1 connection to a Display - X2 connection to a rotary encoder22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. . Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: TRF receiver from Spain This receiver appears to be of Spanish origin. My own source code, for a PIC16F88, is on GitHub. Engelse radio PCR - Generaaltjes - voor de militaire hobby. 5û6¶ø õ°ÁLä üó ¹ ~uð 4 Ÿ }ïØ NPòKžÂ ²° FÈSK0:[Õº› "§#ÌDòü«PÂ5hé mLÛg—JÌÙQ 9Å /z€¤} 35¤l1ÿ úpŸ‡fЦ£÷ð[ã–BÂÉà_7K¢tmKºU/¬ jQ%Ë¥Þ”«‹ n±ðÖªý XNw µÛ+çÆ‹Ô+¬,ÂúÂLó‘™D{kÂçŽi–?¦ Ÿ 0¯b q÷ Zû3¯…^å*Ñãù7Ƙ íp6…X² O0Úl½ØwD¹› Â3 ˜'3ï=é Ö3ƒ¦)ÍúÄÎb `Ž®|vFäˆ ˆ1“@¤^˜`· 6Æ. w. Definition of pishe in the Definitions. Voor iets van 5 tientjes je eigen 70 Mhz zender bouwen. Shademan and A Casals Example of Map of admitted loads, in function of the distance to the main axis Dynamic Characteristics Payload: The load (in Kg) the robot is able to transport in a continuous and precise way (stable) to the. Discover the ultimate resource for Soap2Day – your one-stop destination for free, easy, and fast information! Start exploring now. Back to Instruments. Ê©( èhlXUâÇâËäƒ. %PDF-1. xml ¢ ( ÌÉnÛ0 ¼ è? º ¶,©MÒ"N ]N] $ zeeÚVª… é4þûR’ Ù · ÙÇK Éæ{£!5zž'ðúö9K{O¼”I‘ ¼`0ôz ‹q’OGÞχ/ý+¯' ËÇ,-r>ò z·7¯_]?, —==:—#o¦”øàû2žñŒÉA!x®?™ eÆ”>,§¾`ñ 6å~8 ^øq‘+ž«¾ªbx7ןø„ÍSÕûü¬O7HD>õz ›ïU©F^’Uã«ó~ç •‰3G Þ ¤þ ;KÉS¹“† ‘&1SšAÿ) ï} yå. R. fc34 Size: A4 Rev: 1. PA5HE G1 G2 G3 G4 LOCK X16 C19 47n R18 47k E 1 B 2 C 3 TS3 2SA733 R17 47k C18 47n GND VCO_RF VCO_DC +9V MID HIGH TX +5V X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X10 X9 X8 X7 X6 X5 X1 X4 X3 X2 +5V +5V + C17 100uf C8 47n +5V + C9 47u C13 1n R15 10k R14 18k C15 330n C12 47n C14 1n C16 10n C10 10n C11 2. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Poweramplifier using MRF186 Frequency : 50 or 70MHz Output power: 80 watt on 50MHz and 100 watt on 70MHz FET: MRF186 Input power : 1-2 watt or 5-10watt Powersupply: 12V 15 ampereWebsite van PA5HE. It has the for many well known cybernet pcb inside and used to be expanded with 'alpha' channels, high and/or low channels, extra power until 15 watt and some people even build AM in the transceiver. 22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. Edit or Download this pixel art online. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Hobbys. ýûÚ“³ •"_ª­‘ØäîxNŽ“œñž;3 W©¥µZHØZ*¼šµDºµ. Saved searches. Jeroen Massy, PD5CW. Website van PA5HE. Se le cambió el PLL, la pantalla y el mando de cambio de canales reemplazándolos por un Arduino con DDS y PLL y. Tên Thuốc Fodoxim 100 Số Đăng Ký VD-26039-17 Hoạt Chất – Nồng độ/ hàm lượng Cefpodoxim (dưới dạng Cefpodoxim proxetil) – 100 mg Dạng Bào Chế Viên nén dài bao phim Quy cách đóng gói Hộp 1 vỉ x 10 viên Hạn sử dụng 30 tháng Công ty Sản Xuất Chi nhánh công ty cổ […]%PDF-1. What does pishe mean? Information and translations of pishe in the most comprehensive dictionary. Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. Website van PA5HE. There was no meter in it and the final tube 807 was missing, but. nl of naar het adres van Jan [email protected] informatie, tips, hulp en resultaten van omgebouwde 27MHz transceiver met de DDS-VFO. The base is taken from Budd Churchward WB7FHC's Arduino-based decoder. HP-141T Display Section Operating and Service Manual [00141-90914][Jun 1976] Manual Changes [19810108] RF. Website van PA5HE. • The diagram of a powersupply intended for a WS19 transceiver or a BC312 transceiver. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: President Veep 10 meter This project is going on. Gyro-1122 Board On this board there is the FM and DAB receiver. Website van PA5HE. txtGenshin Impact ChibiPK !É 3Ń9ƒ9 tray. Al vele CB's zijn succesvol omgebouwd. PK !{4áÈ author. Converter voor de 50MHz amateur band door PA5HE Deze converter heb ik gebouwd voor iemand die wel een HF ontvanger heeft, maar zonder 6 meter amateurband. Uitgangspunt is een 2 meter transceiver en een elektuur 50MHz transverter. Register for free access, and submit your photo and biography to complete your listing!PK -QLVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK -QLV META-INF/container. The transmitter in AM modulated with a sirene of alarm signals or by morse code from a PIC processor. 8MHz. TRF Receivers. to QRZ. Search query Search Twitter. 40. fColofon VERENIGINGSZENDER PI4VRZ/A. Website van PA5HE. éÀ¨ Â5$®LwE api 2ip ua _Ñ cm6 VVìô»W É )‚Ë3 EH¹Ì9 õ À¨ 5Â4ðlwE € api 2ip ua À , ¢Ùþ_Ñ cÁÆ BB )‚Ë3ìô»W É E4`¸@€ [_À¨ ¢ÙþÂ2 »+üÙ¶€ ÿÿfà ´ _Ñ cýÆ BBìô»W É )‚Ë3 E4@@ ü ¢ÙþÀ¨ »Â2 éž:+üÙ·€ úð>Ó ´ _Ñ cŽÇ )‚Ë3ìô»W É E(`¹@€ [jÀ¨ ¢ÙþÂ2 »+üÙ· éž;P. net dictionary. hdr. The CW Decoder is an excellent tool for viewing and displaying continuous wave data from multiple sources. Website van PA5HE. Log In. Hvde. 12:30 uur op. Ham Member Lookups: 3444 : Biography; Detail; Logbook; Log a NEW contact with : Inbouw PCB for CB-transceiver V3. 6 1 0 obj /Length 2 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœÌ}Ë®-;rܼ þ‡= m¾ SI†` ‚`õÀCÃ0 Æ]2ì‰~ß Áz0Y•û ]Kn¨c×áªb±È|DFº/'ÿóÏ ÿç?ù/üÏÿý—?ÿé?üÓß~Éÿw_ ów {ý7?þÛÿ9ÿ×}…žÃ×Gþõ_»oçJøúí+•&ÿw Í¿ƒü'¿}¹óÿøŸ þÓ ù«¯ å€){ÿ ƒ •·ô×å» çäžbùn·,ÿÈçïì{ _ÿý#7öŸ>ÿí_þÇ _ ÷¿ÿü§ÿü. Login Required. It wanted to oscillate very badly due to the layout of the transceiver. 6044VT Roermond, LB. Register for free access, and submit your photo and biography to complete your listing!BZh91AY&SY ²ZÕ ¹ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿà*Þú ¾Šìßw{à_yìJ- " æézw¾ÎwÙŽÃY£»>™yºÎnµMiæ×fú{µw£Þ. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Fox hunt transmitter for the 2 meter amateurband This is a foxhunttransmitter for the 2 meter band. %PDF-1. [ ë4VÚ5 ªp ÎUª Hu¾2ò`–t7GFÊmOX( n¨áHB¬ ØéÞh ^IHÞ…ÇW¡©‹ [/¹. This was ment for a course for radioamateurs given in Bergen op Zoom. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Conversion of a Hycom CB-4000 to 4METER (70MHz) Would it be possible to convert a cb-transceiver to the recently released 70-MHz band ? In this case a Hycom CB-4000. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersWebsite van PA5HE. PA5HE. Homemade 4 meter transverter project. 70 MHz 1tr FET TX rpyna paqyHa, paqyH 037 neo 039 038 039 04. Voor de luisterstation die kunnen zich inmelden via E-mail : [email protected] of [email protected]. hai bitxcPK ·²F SA-TornadoIDS/PK T¢ME ñ¦ü6䦛 SA-TornadoIDS/Attack. The main. Website van PA5HE. With the low / high switch channel 1-40 or 41-80 can be choosen. 4 meter 70MHz transverter, PA5HE: 6m transverter and 30w amplifier: 23 cm linear transverter: 144 MHZ to 28 MHZ 2nd Down-Converter for AO-40 Sat, SV1BSX: 144-28 Mhz Transverter, I1KFH: 144MHz to 50MHz receive converter: 222 MHz Transverter for the FT-817: 1296 MHz Transverter, K5TRA: 1296-mhz-transverter-kit: 2304 MHz Transverter, KD0AR o companheiro eo pa5he qra de (halsteren). 4921789 t. I wanted to use a couple of old valves and for the oscillator a modern DDS synthesizer. Hambrew Links. 4METER (70MHz)transverter door PA5HE. PK {NVhto”f — [Content_Types]. Tangent Tuner II – Apos Audio. All the plates of the tuning capacitor were bent and it had to be replaced. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Fox hunt transmitter for the 2 meter amateurband This is a foxhunttransmitter for the 2 meter band. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ 3l n þÿÿÿ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . , opgenomen artikelen vertolken Uitzending op zaterdagmorgen (behalve in de maanden juli en. Panhe ( Acjachemen: "the place at the water") was one of the largest Acjachemen villages confirmed to be over 9,600 years old and a. PK }iQ OC-EFI Rev 0. Biography. Daily Pageviews-Load Time-Site Overview . 7 %âãÏÓ 5980 0 obj > endobj 6005 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[487E64511CA97A48977988BEF02F35CE>00F4DF311D9774468FE3FB0E8EFF181B>]/Index[5980 232]/Info. Website van PA5HE. 6 %âãÏÓ 428 0 obj >stream hÞ¼[ÑŽ 7 ý•|Aoì8q"! JU‰VU å¡ â  ¢ lÅ. On this PCB are an Arduino Pro mini, a PLL and a DDS placed. com in a single category. The phase detector runs at 5kHz and has a loop filter. Packet radio Radio collectie Electronica zelfbouw Wandelen. /* Display for CB transceiver Arduino mini and SSD1606 Display * Pins used : * Display D0=4 D1=5 Reset =6 DC=7 * Encoder pin 2 , pin3 , Switch =A0 * PLL 10 , 11 , 12 */ #include #include #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI #include #endif #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C #include #endif #define pulseLow(pin) {digitalWrite(pin, LOW); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } int. 287. xhtmlUT EÀ bEÀ bux ! !m OSà Åïý ¸÷†PÇÑt’öàŸ« êÁ#%Û ) ¶¦ýöB G ñ´°ûã½ÇÖÛó`Ø'†Ø;Û€(J`h•k{Û5ð¾{Y>Àv³¨ož^ w oÏLÓ`Ò= –žÚØ€&òkÎÇq,ÆÛÂ…Ž‹ªªø930Akô§ý ²oýáÊ®Êòž; !«¢l7 Æê I2¥eˆH œè b0þ3²rÀ :´ $¹L9Kh ë¥m ú†©'ƒ 齉ª_ŠÕ² •¸«ùÔÏ„éí‘ 4 Dº Œ ‘€ÑÅ. The main category is Receiving only antennas that is about Receiving only antennas. xml ¢ ( ´–K Ú0. revista letrare shqiptare | ARS | albanian literary reviewPK !„­?–¯ ` [Content_Types]. Global Rank. Table with program inputs of the divider:pa5he, patje, path4, p-athe, 0pathe, p0athe, pzathe, pazthe "PATHE" in context. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. The supply elco had broken down. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Pye PYE P93W/U Radio which I bought at the radio fair in Rosmalen. PA5HE. Emud W2: Spanish TRF receiver: Airking%PDF-1. Täydet Wi-Fi ratkaisut. 70MHz 1e keer de soldeerbout aan in 2015 (Soldeerstartion VELLEMAN LF2000 is trouwens in 12sec op temperatuur 100W regelbaar. 5 %âãÏÓ 2690 0 obj > endobj 2703 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[41496804758E20418CD00218B32A20A5>2C911731FCFB364A90A197A0555E2DD8>]/Index[2690 29]/Info 2689. 5nonoujKa cpencrga y np. sgml : 20170425 20170425164109 accession number: 0001683168-17-001006 conformed submission type: defa14a public document count: 4 filed as of date: 20170425 date as of change: 20170425 effectiveness date: 20170425 filer: company data: company conformed name: pacific. PCB to be built in a transceiver with PTBM117AOX or PTBM059AOX main board. com. A 7 elements 144MHz yagi antenna. PK ®FHVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK ®FHV META-INF/container. 047 040 neo 049 041 neo 049 049 3. xml ¢ ( Ä›ÉnÛ0 E÷ ú †¶…-kv‹8YtXu ô X™vÔh DÆ ÿ¾”l§j ‡fx . txt : 20161101 0001144204-16-130683. National Safety Council - Save lives, from the workplace to. PK !¼Ò| ³ ® [Content_Types]. Palaeoecology and Human Evolution (International Union for Quaternary Research) PAHE. Uitgangspunt is een 2 meter transceiver en een elektuur 50MHz transverter. Equipo CB transformado en equipo de 50 mhz. Email: Login required to view.